
Good dental hygiene is what underpins dental health and by working together we prolong the life of our patients’ teeth. We hope you will be delighted with the comprehensive range of services we provide.


You will be greeted by one of our lovely receptionists when you arrive at the practice. If it is your first time, they will ask you to complete a medical form .

Then the dentist will see you to discuss your dental needs and maybe take some radio graphs(x-rays). You will together with the dentist come up with a treatment plan, tailored to your needs. We will explain different options so you are fully informed and feel involved in the process.

Health & hygiene

Our aim is to give you a clean bill of health and our two-pronged approach includes visiting our dentists and hygienist, who between them will improve the health of your mouth with thorough examinations, professional cleaning and expert advice.

We offer children, parents and grandparents the opportunity of regularly visiting our hygienist and oral health educator. The care and advice they provide, backed up by a meticulous dental regime at home, helps patients maintain healthy mouths and keep them free from tooth decay and gum disease.

Restorative care

Treatment for a smaller damage to a tooth is usually a tooth coloured filling(composite) but if the need is greater we will also talk about crowns (or caps), which are in a stronger material, porcelain (with or without metal backing).

Porcelain crowns are carefully crafted to look natural and blend in with the rest of your teeth and can eliminate dark metallic lines around the gums. Bridges can be used to permanently fit a replacement tooth or teeth by being carefully attached to adjacent teeth. Other treatment for missing teeth are natural-looking dentures in metal or acrylic or implants.

We will go through your options in detail at your visit.

Root canal treatment

Root canal treatment is required when the nerve and blood supply to the tooth is damaged. Left untreated the tooth could develop an abscess.

Root canal treatment is a way of saving the tooth which otherwise needs to be removed.

The treatment is usually completely pain free, and at Teeth on the Heath we will do our out most to save a damaged tooth.

Cosmetic treatments

The advances in cosmetic dentistry are very exciting and allow us to brighten stained teeth, discoloured by tea, coffee, red wine or smoking, with tooth whitening, to give you a more dazzling smile. Unsightly metal fillings can be replaced with natural-coloured fillings to improve the look of your smile and allow you to laugh with confidence, and veneers, which are like ‘false nails’ for teeth. It provide a wafer thin mask to hide discolouration and close unsightly gaps, with little or no work being needed on the tooth itself.


Are you completely happy with your smile?

If you a looking for a solution to straighten your teeth that will have minimal impact on your every day life, then clear aligners at Teeth on the Heath is you answer. Ask for details on your next appointment.


If you have one or more teeth missing, implants is sometimes the best and most predictable way of restoring your bite.

Teeth on the Heath has over last couple of  years, very successfully been working closely with Jason Wong,  who will assist in your treatment back to function and aesthetics.

He  has had over 10 years experience having trained at the prestigious Royal College of Surgeons in London and worked at the Oral and Maxillofacial unit at Poole Hospital. So you will being good hands when you have your implants placed and restored.


For any patients with ongoing anxiety who require a complex procedure such as some restorative treatments, we offer a sedation service at an additional cost.

Emergency out of hours treatment

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